"In Just Minutes A Week You Can Stop The Gradual Deterioration Of Your Eyesight (And Even Improve It), Cure Aches, Long Standing Injuries And Finally Play Your Best Golf Ever"
"In Just Minutes A Week You Can Stop The Gradual Deterioration Of Your Eyesight (And Even Improve It), Cure Aches, Long Standing Injuries And Finally Play Your Best Golf Ever"
Simple and Fun Drills That Train your eyes to "see" results and Improve Daily Life And Your Golf Game Too
Simple and Fun Drills That Train your eyes to "see" results and Improve Daily Life And Your Golf Game Too
Unique and revolutionary way to improve your golf and your eyesight in just minutes a week to train your eyes to "see" results on and off the course!
Unique and revolutionary way to improve your golf and your eyesight in just minutes a week to train your eyes to "see" results on and off the course!
From The Desk of Alex Fortey

Dear frustrated golfer and tired eyed reader…

I want just a couple minutes of your time, to ask you a few questions…
Before I do, please keep in mind that I’ve needed corrective eye care since I was 13 and I used to often say that if you sent me out on the street without my contact lenses or glasses, I would likely be dead within an hour :-)


What if you could imagine not needing to use reading glasses, specs and actually see better!?

Do you want to instantly play much better golf without working on your golf swing or short game?

Are you ready to have a better golf game, swing and eyesight to perform your very best on the golf course? 

Wouldn't it be awesome if you didn’t need reading glasses or get headaches anymore?

Hi, my name is Alex Fortey, and those are questions I used to ask myself as well.

Just imagine if you had that ability to Improve Your Vision For Golf And Life, what would you do? How would that instantly change your life and golf game for the better? 

For me…  

Unfortunately, dramatically Improving your eyesight, reactions, balance and performance in life and indeed golf isn't something you thought that you could do anything about i’d wager... 

If you do suffer with less than 20/20 vision you most likely have to spend fortunes one of or several of these over the years… expensive Lasik eye surgery eyeglasses, examinations, contact lenses, put up with tired eyes and basically accept the supposedly inevitable deterioration of our eyes due to age. 
In this short letter today I want you to really understand that your eyesight is the first responder to everything you do on and off the golf course.
The Impact of Poor Visual Skills
“When most people think about their eyes, they ONLY consider their ability to see objects or write clearly. And that’s a good thing because the number one task for your eyes is to give you a great picture of the world. 

We all want to see that beautiful sunset or our kids’ smile, or simply to be able to read the menu in the restaurant without needing longer arms!

However, the impact of vision goes FAR BEYOND how clearly you see.
It influences how you stand, how you move, how much pain you experience, your athletic performance, and in some cases how much frustration or anxiety you feel day-to-day. 
The fact is that your vision impacts every aspect of your life, and IMPROVING IT can create massive shifts for you in areas of your life that may seem far removed from just “seeing better.”

Holding your arm out and realising it’s not long enough to read that newspaper or book is a common scene in the clubhouse and i’m guessing you can probably relate to this...
While you might try to ignore the fact, your eyesight will let you down at some point.  Maybe it already has and you’ve had to wear corrective lenses, pay for expenses lasik surgery.   

If you've ever felt that frustration with deterioration in your eyes and struggling on the golf course and not knowing why your swing and game never really improves all that much DESPITE all the effort put in, then I can relate to you perfectly.  

Just like you, I struggled with my eyesight - until I found the secret.
I met this guy named Dustin Williams at one of my business meeting in Louisville and he started demonstrating the power of what training the eyes can do for us.
In just a few minutes he showed the dozen people in the room how using your eyes correctly can instantly improve balance, strength, speed and focus. 

We were all blown away!.  

I was able to imagine not needing to use reading glasses, specs and actually see better!

I started telling my friends, family members, and business associates about those results; what happened next shocked me.

Some people were BEGGING me to show them how they could improve your vision, strengthen your eyesight and as an amazing bonus increase golf swing power, balance and green reading . . .  

Bottom line is; 
And you can attain both of those through our unique, simple program that walks you through every step of the way.

And we’ve called it…  
The Eagle Eye Vision Training System is a comprehensive, step-by-step online course, designed to give you the strategies and tools needed to improve your eyesight strength (and see the benefits for yourself, when on the course!)

Nothing’s been left out – and whether you’re an amateur golfer, looking to get that ‘edge’ over your playing buddies, or you play regular competitions, and want to perfect your game…

The Eagle Eye Vision Training System is designed to give you all you need to naturally, and easily improve your eyesight.

It’s split into five different ‘drills’, and each drill contains easy-to-follow training videos. 

Watch them at your own pace, and work your way through the program, and you’ll begin seeing results almost right away!

Plus, you’re free to download the videos, or play them on a mobile device – so you can watch them where, and when, you want!

Let’s take a look at what the drills are… and some of what’s inside!

We use the basic chart initially to use as a guage as to your ability with vision right away.

From here we can see where you need to improve and what areas of your vision need too be paid attention to initially. 

Then we come back and test, even after just a couple of drills. You will be amazed!
  • Find you benchmarks and vision ability
  • Not just on distance but also speed and movement
Playing a solid short-game is crucial to your overall success, as a golfer, and that’s why the second drill – “Convergence” – is designed to help you visualize chip-shots, and putts, in a way that improves accuracy.

You’ll develop better visual clarity, up close – and just practice this quick drill a few times each week, and you’ll also find yourself…
  • Hitting every shot you play with better balance (helping your swing adapt the perfect ‘natural tempo’...)
  • Able to chip, and putt, like a true professional. (Ever wondered why some pros, like Woods, and Mickleson, spend so long ‘setting up’ each putt they play? Well, it’s their impeccable ‘green-reading-ability’… and you’re about to discover how to match their levels of accuracy…)
  • Benefiting from crystal-clear vision on the course! It doesn’t matter your age, physique, or whether you wear glasses or not – the Convergence drill will give you the sharpest vision of your life…
Near / Far Drill
The first drill – the “Near/Far Drill” – is ideal for those wanting to improve their depth perfection, and gain better visual clarity, in distance…

And once you ‘master’ this easy, simple ‘exercise’, you’ll hit every shot you play with more power, and more accuracy!
In fact, use this drill, and you’ll find yourself…

  • Able To Judge Distance Far More Accurately, allowing you more birdies on the course, longer drives, and more consistency…
  • Hitting longer drives than you ever thought possible (with the accuracy of a military-grade missile…)
  • Easily able to switch your focus between your ball, and the tee…
Playing a solid short-game is crucial to your overall success, as a golfer, and that’s why the second drill – “Convergence” – is designed to help you visualize chip-shots, and putts, in a way that improves accuracy.

You’ll develop better visual clarity, up close – and just practice this quick drill a few times each week, and you’ll also find yourself…
  • Hitting every shot you play with better balance (helping your swing adapt the perfect ‘natural tempo’...)
  • Able to chip, and putt, like a true professional. (Ever wondered why some pros, like Woods, and Mickleson, spend so long ‘setting up’ each putt they play? Well, it’s their impeccable ‘green-reading-ability’… and you’re about to discover how to match their levels of accuracy…)
  • Benefiting from crystal-clear vision on the course! It doesn’t matter your age, physique, or whether you wear glasses or not – the Convergence drill will give you the sharpest vision of your life…
Now that we’ve begun to improve how your vision compliments your game, we’re now going to start refining some of the more technical elements – to ensure you’re not leaking shots, and to make sure you’re playing the best game your body is physically capable of!

With an emphasis on distance, and accuracy while playing approach shots, the third drill, “Divergence”, will teach you…

  • The Simple And Easy Exercises You Train Your Eye Muscles To Perform Better….
  • How to Avoid Eye Strain, and Eye Deterioration (this can actually prevent you needing glasses!)…
  • How To See And Visualize Every Single Shot And Be Confident You Can Execute Your Best Swing To The Target You Want…
Peripheral Awareness
Good peripheral awareness is crucial to all elements of your game, and the 4th drill is designed to allow you to make you vision work WITH you – not against.

While you’ll likely see this drill improving your short-game the most, it’s going to help improve ALL aspects of your game – and run-through this quick and easy drill a few times each week, and you’ll be able to…

  • Visualize what you AREN’T looking at. (This is especially important when putting on the green, as you need to be able to focus on the ball, while keeping the pin, if your sights)…
  • Save Energy! (Yes, Really!) Low peripheral awareness requires more energy for your eyes to function when walking around. You may walk 6-7 miles in a game – and better peripheral will help save the energy for playing the game…
  • Maintain an accurate head position, leading to more fluid, and accurate shots. (Head position requires good peripheral field awareness. Thus, with lower peripheral field capacity, the accuracy of head movement and positional control decreases which significantly degrades balance)…
The 5th set of drills – Saccades – is where we really begin to bring out your best game, and you’ll find yourself enjoying professional-level play, once you begin training.

Helping refine all aspects of your game, Saccades will…
  • Train your eyes to quickly and accurately be able to ‘jump’ between pints in your field-vision…
  • Help you develop pro-athlete-like coordination, that doesn’t just help you out on the course… but in your day-to-day life, too…
  • Make it EASY to See improvements in your eyesight with just a couple of minutes of practice each day…
And much, much more!

The bottom line?

 The Eagle Eye Vision Training System works – and already, it’s helped hundreds of golfers just like you overcome vision-barriers holding them back from honing their game.

In optimizing health and performance, it is IMPOSSIBLE to overstate just how vital it is to have superior visual skills. Great vision is one of the most important, if not the most important, differentiators of mid-level athletes from great performers in virtually every sport and activity. 

The reason for this is very simple as a huge dependence upon vision is a part of our hard-wired survival makeup. 
Eyesight and Vision are Not the Same

“Eyesight is simply the ability to see something clearly, the so-called 20/20 eyesight (as measured in a standard eye examination with a Snellen chart). Vision goes beyond eyesight and can best be defined as the understanding of what is seen. 

Vision involves the ability to take incoming visual information, process that information and obtain meaning from it.”

- Dr. Donald Getz, OD

In other words, 20/20 is not enough! If they have given any thought to this at all, most instructors believe that if their client has “normal eyes” then that is good enough to permit performance on their activities. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth! Normal 20/20 eyesight is only the beginning. Vision is a dynamic, powerful system that is often THE determining factor of movement excellence.
There are a number of different elements of visual skill – all of which play important roles in movement skills.

Just look at what a few people have said about the system…

“My Vision Has Improved Tremendously!”

Your eyes have several different muscles involved in visual functioning. And, just like the rest of your body, a lack of exercise can lead to both weakness and stiffness in the eye muscles - which can lead to many different visual problems.


Even more important than your eye biomechanics, is how your brain processes visual information. We like to tell people that vision lives in the brain and not the eyes. The way we perform the exercises in the vision gym is specifically designed to teach your brain how to see better.

Now, I know you’re probably wondering how an online course can effectively train, and improve your vision – and to prove to your just how confident I am in this system, I’m going to ‘put my money where my mouth is’!
Here’s how it works;

Purchase your copy of “The Eagle Eye Vision Training System” today, for the discount price of just $24…
And I personally guarantee you'll MORE than improve your vision, strengthen your eyesight, and see BIG changes to the way you play.

If not?

Then I’ll refund every cent you paid – no questions asked.

if we aren't able to improve your vision and golf in just a few minutes a day and you don’t notice huge changes in a matter of a couple of weeks. . . . you get back everything you paid. Does that seem fair? 
Click below to secure instant access to the system right away – and begin changing your vision.

So, you’ve now got a decision to make…
Click the button below, invest in the Eagle Eye Vision Training System today, and begin improving your vision, strengthening your eyesight…

(And, alongside, find your golf swing power increasing, and enjoy greater control over your balance, and green-reading ability…)

Or, click away from this page, and carry on playing a sub-standard golf game (while doing untold damage to your eyes, and your vision.)

To me, it’s an easy decision – and remember, thanks to the no-questions-asked, no-risk, 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got literally nothing to lose…

So just click the button below, and get instant access – I guarantee, you won’t regret it.

Discover What Better Vision Can Do For YOUR Day-To-Day Life (and your golf game!)
Remember, you’ll be able to access the entire program, right away…
And thanks to the money-back guarantee, there’s literally no risk, for you…
So, click below, and start your journey towards better vision.
See you inside!

Alex Fortey.

P.S. – I should probably mention, this exclusive price of $24 is ONLY valid for today. Come back 2 days… 2 hours… even 15 minutes from now, and you might find the price has increased four-fold. That’s why, if you’re serious about improving your vision, and enjoying better, stronger eyesight, you MUST act now, right away.

Unless of course, you’d rather pay four times as much!

(Hint: If you want to access this powerful system now, for just $24, click the button below, right away. That way you’ll lock in this special price, and can help to restore your eyesight, for less than you probably spend on beer, each week!)

P.P.S Here are few more benefits...
Here are just some of the great benefits you get with this program;
  • Helps You Helps To Give You Co-ordination Like A Cat That Helps You In Everyday Life And On The Golf Course .
  • Gets You More Birdies On The Course, Longer Drives And Consistency!
  • Makes It Easy To See The Incredible Improvement In Your Eyesight With Just A Couple Of Minutes Of Practice.
  • Get Better Balance, Tempo, Power And Green Reading Ability.
  •  Gives You Better Vision. Yes Really. With The Simple And Easy Exercises You Train Your Eye Muscles To Perform Better.
  •  Avoid Eye Strain, Eye Deterioration And Even Needing Glasses To Help Read.
  •  The Real SECRET For Being Able To Be Sharp On The Course And Not Having Age Affect Your Vision .
  •  How To See And Visualize Every Single Shot And Be Confident You Can Execute Your Best Swing To The Target You Want.
  •  Effortlessly Notice Improvement In Your Swing, Your Scores And Day To Day Life Due To Less Eye Strain Too!
  •  Escape The Almost Inevitable Tragic Demise That Father Time Places On Your Eyesight.
  •  Discover The Power That Better Vision Will Have On Your Day To Day Life And Golf Game Quicker Than You Imagined Possible.
 Any individual engaging in such training activities bears full responsibility for their own training and should seek medical advice before undertaking any for of training for the eyes or any physical endeavor. This training is not intended to replace any in-depth medical advice or optical repair by an approved medical eye doctor. 

Disclaimer of Liability
The Art of Simple Golf its staff, or its Member Companies shall not be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of these training materials and assumes no responsibility for any user's use of them. In no event shall The Art of Simple Golf i, its staff, or its Member Companies be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to: procurement or substitute goods for services; loss of use, data, or profits;
or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of these training materials, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, whether for tortious

Disclaimer of Warranties/Accuracy and Use of Information

These training materials are provided 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied
warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

Neither The Art of Simple Golf ie, its staff, or its Member Companies warrants or makes any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials or information in this site, or the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, or usefulness of the training materials
The Art of Simple Golf | The Eagle Eye Vision Training System | 2017
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